
13.99 AED
Weight Gram 300,
Ingredient: Boneless Mutton, Onion, Tomato, Ginger, Garlic, Cashew Paste, Melon Seeds, Red Chili Powder, Green Cardamom, Black Cardamom, Clove, Black Pepper, Bay Leaf, Cinnamon, Mace, Curd, Refined Oil, Salt.
Serving Size / par portion de 100g
Serving per Container / Portions par recipient: 3.0
Amount Per Serving / Teneur par portions (Approx.)
Calories / Calories: 236.6
Total Fat / Lipdies 26.3g: 23.0%
Saturated Fat / Graisse saturee 9.5g: 46.3%
Trans Fat / Gras trans 0.0g
Cholesterol / Cholesterol 21.9mg: 6.8%
Sodium / Sodium 704mg: 33.8%
Total Carbohydrate / Glucides totaux 11.1g: 4.0%
Dietary Fiber / Fibers alimentaries 3.2g: 5.1%
Total Sugar / Sucres totaux 2.5g
Includes Added Sugar / Comprend de sucres ajoutes 0g
Protein / Proteine 3.6g
Vitamin A / Vitamine A: 21.6%
Vitamin C / Vitamine C: 18.0%
Calcium / Calcium: 7.00%
Iron / Fer: 12.2%
Potassium / Potassium: 0.10%
Vitamin D: 0.0%
Description: Yo’s Kitchen Kashmiri Rogan Josh is scrumptious Indian delicacy slow cooked in oil yoghurt and many different spices distinguished by its thick, aromatic, flavorful red gravy and tender meat. Kashmiri Rogan Josh is a world-famous Delicacy from Kashmir north India. It is a meat-only dish of Persian origin. In the Persian language, Rogan means Oil & Josh means Heat/Hot. Kashmiri Rogan Josh means meat cooked on high-temperature oil.
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