
20.99 AED
Weight 5Kg,
Ingredient: Wheat (Genhu) flour
Serving Size / par portion de 100g
Serving per Container / Portions par recipient: 3.0
Amount Per Serving / Teneur par portions (Approx.)
Calories / Calories: 110
Total Fat / Lipdies 0.5g: 1%
Saturated Fat / Graisse saturee 0.0g
Trans Fat / Gras trans 0.0g
Cholesterol / Cholesterol 0mg: 0.0%
Sodium / Sodium 0mg: 0.0%
Total Carbohydrate / Glucides totaux 24g: 8.0%
Dietary Fiber / Fibers alimentaries 3g: 12.0%
Total Sugar / Sucres totaux 1g
Includes Added Sugar / Comprend de sucres ajoutes 0g
Protein / Proteine 4.0g
Vitamin D / Vitamine D: 0.0%
Calcium / Calcium: 2.0%
Iron / Fer: 15.0%
Potassium / Potassium: 22.0%
Description: Yo’s Kitchen Sharbati Atta 5kg is the most premium quality of wheat available in India, also known as the golden grain, because of its colour. Sharbati Atta 5kg is slightly sweeter than other wheat, hence called ‘Sharbati’. Best grown in drought conditions and harvested with rainwater, the rich potash content in black and alluvial fertile and the low humidity condition increases the protein value in wheat by 2%. This leads to less requirement of pesticides in crops and therefore, it becomes the premium quality of wheat.
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