Honey Methi Khakhra

7.99 AED

Weight Gram 200,
Ingredient: Wheat Flour, Fortified Edible Oil, Lodi zed Salt, Sugar, Permitted Flavors, Red Chili, Fenugreek, Asafetida, Real Honey 83%, Mineral Water.


Serving Size 100gm
HJ          HP       BH        HM        CH

Calories: 498 kcal  485 kcal 530 kcal  525 kcal   525 kcal
Total Fat: 23g    22g   26g   23g    26g
Saturated Fat: 5.70g   5g    6.5g    5.5g     5.9g
Trans Fat: 0g    0g     0g    0g     0g
Sugar: 810mg  615mg  60.75mg  60.75mg  60.75mg
Total Carbohydrate: 60.75g  60.75g  60.75g   60.75g   60.75g
Dietary Fiber: 5.1g   6g    6g   7g    6g
Cholesterol: 0    0   1g    0    2.1g
Protein: 16g   13.5g   15g   14g    15g
Sodium: 689mg  689mg   710mg   525mg    525mg
Calcium: 8.50%    8.50%     8.50%    9.50%      8.50%
Iron: 18%    18%    18%       28%      18%
Vitamin-A: 1%    1%    1%    2%       1%
Vitamin-C: 1%    1%     1%   2%       1%

Description: I-Snacks Honey Methi Khakhra is a healthy snack that can be enjoyed during breakfast or as an evening snack. It is rich in carbohydrates which are the energy suppliers of the body. The presence of proteins enhances its nutritional value. All our I-Snacks products are made out of pure natural ingredients and there are no chemicals or preservatives used. This recipe is good for diabetics, heart and weight loss.

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